Aizu Line - 会津線

In 1922, plans were drawn up by the Railway Ministry to build a new line from Aizu-Wakamatsu on the Ban'etsu West Line to Imaichi, located on the Utsunomiya ~ Nikkō Nikkō Line, which would create a new trunk line from Tōkyō to Aizu-Wakamatsu. The first section of this line, from Aizu-Wakamatsu to Nishi-Wakamatsu, was opened in 1926 as part of the Aizu-Wakamatsu ~ Aizu-Bange Aizu Line, and from Nishi-Wakamatsu it was extended to Kamimiyori in 1927, with the new line being named Yagan'u Line. It seems that no great priority was placed on the line, as the next section, from Kamimiyori to Yunokami, wasn't opened until 1932; Aizu-Tajima was reached in 1934. At a thus far unknown (to me) date before 1942, the Yagan'u Line was merged with the Aizu Line, which in 1927 had been extended to Aizu-Yanaizu, and to Aizu-Miyashita in 1941. The Aizu Line was thus a Y-shaped line, running from Aizu-Wakamatsu to Nishi-Wakamatsu, where it forked, with one branch running eventually to Aizu-Miyashita, and the other to Aizu-Tajima.

Grading of the right-of-way and construction of bridges on the Aizu-Tajima ~ Aizu-Takinohara section were completed in 1941, but the outbreak of the Pacific War resulted in the suspension of work. After war's end, work resumed, and the line reached Arakai in 1947, and finally arriving at Aizu-Takinohara in 1953. On the other branch, the line was extended from Aizu-Miyashita to Aizu-Kawaguchi in 1956, and further on to Tadami in 1963. On 29 August 1971, a 20.8 km extension from Tadami to Ōshirakawa was opened, where it connected to the Tadami Line, which had been opened between Ōshirakawa and Koide on the Jōetsu Line in 1942. At the same time, the Tadami ~ Nishi-Wakamatsu section was added to the Tadami Line, whilst the Aizu-Wakamatsu ~ Aizu-Takinohara section retained the Aizu Line name. Officially, both the Tadami Line and the Aizu Line began at Aizu-Wakamatsu, sharing the section to Nishi-Wakamatsu between them.

By then the plans for another connection between Tōkyō and Aizu-Wakamatsu had been abandoned, but in 1966 a groundbreaking ceremony was held at Aizu-Takinohara in anticipation of the construction of a new line, to be called the Yagan Line, from Aizu-Takinohara to Shin-Fujiwara, on the privetely owned Tōbu Railway's Tōbu Kinugawa Line. JNR transferred the project to a new private railway company, the Yagan Railway (野岩鉄道), in 1981, without any work on the line having been done; the new owners began work in 1982, opening the the new line in 1986 with the name Aizu Kinugawa Line.

With the privatisation of the JNR, the Aizu Line was transferred to JR East on 1 April 1987; JR East then transferred the section between Nishi-Wakamatsu and Aizukōgen (called Aizu-Takinohara until 1986) to a new third-sector operator, the Aizu Railway, on 16 July of that year.





Aizu Line Timetables - 会津線時刻表

November 1942 (Passenger) - 昭和17年11月1日 (客)
October 1964 (Passenger) - 昭和39年10月 (客)
1967 (Passenger) - 昭和43年 (客)
October 1968 (Freight) - 昭和44年 (貨)
July 1971 (Passenger) - 昭和46年7月 (客)
1972 (Freight) - 昭和47年 (貨)

Aizu Line Trains, Locomotives, and Rolling Stock - 会津線の列車・機関車・車両

Aizu Line Locomotives - 会津線の機関車

Aizu Line Stations & Structures - 会津線の駅と構造

Aizu-Wakamatsu Station 会津若松駅 - km 0.0
Nanukamachi Station 七日町駅 - km 1.3
Nishi-Wakamatsu Station 西若松駅 - km 3.1
Monden Station 門田駅 - km 7.9
Kamimiyori Station 上三寄駅 - km 13.6
Kuragawa Bridge 闇川橋梁
Funako Tunnel 舟子トンネル
Funako Provisional Halt 舟子仮乗降場 - km 19.3
Mukaiyama Tunnel 向山トンネル
Kuwabara Station 桑原駅 - km 21.3
No. 1 Ōkawa Bridge 第一大川橋梁
No. 1 Onumazaki Tunnel 第一小沼崎トンネル
No. 2 Onumazaki Tunnel 第二小沼崎トンネル
No. 3 Onumazaki Tunnel 第三小沼崎トンネル
No. 4 Onumazaki Tunnel 第四小沼崎トンネル
No. 2 Ōkawa Bridge 第二大川橋梁
Ōto Tunnel 大戸トンネル
No. 3 Ōkawa Bridge 第二大川橋梁
Onotake Tunnel 小野嶽トンネル
Onogawa Bridge 小野川橋梁
Yunokami Station 湯野上駅 - km 25.8
No. 4 Ōkawa Bridge 第四大川橋梁
No. 5 Ōkawa Bridge 第五大川橋梁
Tō-no-hetsuri Provisional Halt 塔のへつり仮乗降場 - km 29.6
Yagoshima Station 弥五島駅 - km 31.1
Narahara Tunnel 楢原トンネル
Narahara Station 楢原駅 - km 34.1
No. 6 Ōkawa Bridge 第六大川橋梁
Aizu-Ochiai Station 会津落合駅 - km 38.2
Kadotanigawa Bridge 加藤谷川橋梁
Aizu-Nagano Station 会津長野駅 - km 40.3
Tabehara Station 田部原駅 - km 42.6
Mizunashigawa Bridge 水無川橋梁
Aizu-Tajima Station 会津田島駅 - km 45.1
Aizu-Tajima Overpass 会津田島陸橋
Nakaarai Station 中荒井駅 - km 48.8
Arakai Station 荒海駅 - km 52.2
Itozawa Station 糸沢駅 - km 56.1
Sannōgawa Bridge 山王川橋梁
Aizu-Takinohara Station 会津滝ノ原駅 - km 60.5

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