Passenger and freight.
1926.10.15 - opened together with the first section of the Aizu Line (Aizu-Wakamatsu ~ Aizu-Bange). 駅は会津若松駅から会津坂下駅までの会津線と一緒に開かれた。
1927.11.1 - Yagan'u Line from Nishi-Wakamatsu to Kamimiyori opened. 西若松駅から上三寄駅までの野岩羽線は開通された。
by 1942年まで - Yagan'u Line merged with Aizu Line (Aizu-Wakamatsu ~ Aizu-Miyashita). 野岩羽線は会津若松から会津宮下までの会津線と合併された。
1971.8.29 - former Aizu Line split into Aizu Line (to Aizu-Takinohara) and Tadami Line (to Koide). 旧会津線は会津滝ノ原駅までの会津線と小出駅までの只見線に分割された。
1987.7.16 - Aizu Line taken over by third-sector operator Aizu Railway. 会津線は第三セクターの会津鉄道に受け継がれた。
Today, this is the official starting point of the third-sector Aizu Railway's Aizu Line, in terms of trackage actually owned by the private company. However, all Aizu Railway trains run over JR East tracks to Aizu-Wakamatsu.
All passenger trains stopped here.
Arrivals/Departures Timetable (November 1942) - 発着時刻表(昭和17年7月)A fair amount of freight traffic occurred here. The Aizu filial of the Dainihon Wood Preserving Co. Ltd. had a facility adjacent to the station, served by a 91 m siding; this received wood from the Aizu Line.
There were also several tracks dedicated for unloading petroleum products, four on the north side of the station, and one on the south. On the north side, Nippon Oil Corporation had two tracks (77 m and 44 m), Kyodo Oil had one track (44 m), and Idemitsu had one track (109 m); on the south side, Maruzen Petrochemical had one track (32 m), adjacent to the two general freight tracks near the main station building. The exact nature of the commodities received is unclear, but given that the facilities on the north side tracks are trackside unloading pumps, likely the inbound cargo was petrol and diesel for local use.
Outbound cargo was likely primarily treated wood from the Dainihon facility, in addition to through traffic from the Tadami Line and the Aizu Line (wood chips, ore, rice and other agricultural products).